
Homesteading is so much more than just growing veggies. Using natural resources to increase your growing space, getting the kids involved in the garden, preserving your harvest and cooking from scratch. It is considering our bodies, mind, kids and the environment in everything that we do.
Principals when watering your garden
February 11, 2025
Watering can take time, cost money AND if done incorrectly, you can create an environment for pests and disease. Join us for a chat and lets discuss the best watering practices for your veggie garden
What is the best fertiliser to use
November 28, 2024
You might think compost is the best fertiliser for your soil. Join me as we discuss why compost alone is not enough for your garden
Hoop your garden beds
November 25, 2024
Join us as we show you how we build hoops over our raised beds, and discuss the benefits of covering your beds
How to build soil
November 20, 2024
Without healthy soil you will never be able to have a successful veggie patch. Join me as we discuss how you can build healthy soil in your back garden
Let’s chat about pests in the garden
November 20, 2024
Pests and diseases can make or break not just the gardener but also the garden. Join me for a chat about preventative measure, and what we can do when we find pests in the garden.
Calendula infused carrier oil
March 22, 2024
Calendula-infused oil is rich in vitamins E, K, and B. It is great for dry and flaky skin. The calendula petals offer added antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.
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